Tue, Mar 14, 2023

Partner Indonesian university visits TSU for a benchlearning activity

Tarlac State University welcomed the representatives of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) from Indonesia on Tuesday morning (March 14) to formally commence the International Inbound Staff Mobility Program that will be held until March 16, 2023.   


Tarlac State University welcomed the representatives of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) from Indonesia on Tuesday morning (March 14) to formally commence the International Inbound Staff Mobility Program that will be held until March 16, 2023.   

This is the first non-teaching mobility program of TSU with an international institution spearheaded by the International Affairs and Linkages Office. 

Learning from each other’s best practices and building a strong partnership are the main objectives of the collaboration between both institutions.   

In his opening message, IALO Director Dr. Jasper Jay N. Mendoza expressed his excitement to impart TSU’s best practices in the academic and administrative fields.    

In the same way, Mr. Dony Kusuma Hadi, lead representative of ITS, looks forward to learning from TSU in the said fields.   

Mr. Hadi also shared the programs of ITS, particularly undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships and lecturer inbound programs. These programs will be opened to TSU educators for international teaching experience. 

Moreover, Mr. Hadi expressed his gratitude to TSU President Arnold E. Velasco and the TSU community for the cordial welcome and hospitality to his team since they arrived at the TSU Hotel yesterday.   

During the ceremony, the Indonesian representatives connected with the directors of the non-academic offices and units led by Vice President for Administration and Finance Dr. Grace Rosete and Vice President for Research and Extension Services Dr. Murphy Mohammed.   

In the afternoon session of the benchlearning activity, ITS delegates toured around the Main Campus, San Isidro Campus, and Lucinda Campus with representatives from IALO. They were also assisted by the Supreme Student Council; selected student council officers from the College of Engineering and Technology, College of Computer Studies, College of Architecture and Fine Arts; and CET student organization leaders. 

On Wednesday and Thursday, they are scheduled to undergo an internship and benchlearning sessions with non-academic offices and units of the university, particularly the Human Resource Development and Management Office, Administration Office, Office of Planning, Performance Monitoring, and Evaluation, and Facilities Development and Management Office. 

Photos by Denzell Jeth D. Buena